Acoustic Blues Guitar Rhythm - "Blues In E..."
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Kirk Bauer
May 28, 2015Hi Griff
Great little lesson. This was one of the first things I learned, after a few major chords, that really motivated me to continue learning. It was easy to do, and really made me sound good. Once I learned that, and a couple of riffs and turnarounds, I really felt I was making progress. Keep up the great work
paul atwell
May 29, 2015too easy show me blues
paul atwell
May 29, 2015how do i get more?
Rodney Leonard
February 8, 2019Thank you for your generosity. Nice guitar btw.
Dave Hawnt
February 3, 2016“Whoaaa there” go-getter… every one has to start somewhere. Griff has done a great job here on an easy intro to playing blues in an easy key (E) for guitar. I remember back in the day, that once I had mastered the good old sixth & sevenths ‘chug chug’ 12 bar I was well on the way… great stuff Griff, it don’t hurt to reprise some of the more basic stuff now and again and a great help to beginners ^
December 19, 2016The blues are very easy to play you just have to have it in you plus having a good ear helps I’ve been playing for 54 years never took a lesson
david moon
February 4, 2017Maybe you could link to a recording or a video lesson that you have produced that shows how easy it is.
Have you ever been payed to play?
September 12, 2023This is awesome. It is also the first blues lesson I saw on YouTube 13 years ago. I never mastered it but it was a great inspiration for learning. Unfortunately, I believe I suffer from adult ADD. LOL I go all into something new and hit a wall and my brain shifts gears looking for new stimulation so I have tried some of everything over the years like violin, banjo, ukulele, harmonica and keyboard. I have learned new from all of them so it’s not been a total loss. But, thanks for sharing this particular video lesson because it brings back good memories from the beginning of my musical experience when it was all fresh, new and exhilarating!
George Straubing
February 4, 2017Thank you. I’m still working on it and refuse to move on until it feels right.
Christopher Place
March 30, 2022Great lesson Griff, but as a 38 year veteran guitar player, it was maybe a little too elementary. I’d really like to see some acoustic slide blues lessons, maybe even some alternate tuning stuff.
Monte Steffan
February 3, 2016Got everything you have sent. I play an electronic acoustic. Now to put all this together and we will see what happens. Thanks.
February 4, 2016This little lesson is the best and simplest to learn how to stretch. I never could with my short fingers. Now I can. Never seen it explained like that before. I play this style of blues but now have learned how to spice it up.
Thanks, Griff!
February 9, 2016Hi Kirk, Chris here. I really like what you said about learning a few major chords first that motivated you. I’m a very beginner and I’ve been getting frustrated lately. But I don’t want to give up. Do you mind me asking what those chords were? Thanks Kirk…Chris.
Brandon Haydel
January 17, 2020Hey, Griff killer lesson enjoyed it. B.Thanks. I will be ordering ur beginning blues course Monday. Can’t wait to dive in!!.
Dave L
August 24, 2021Griff, You are exactly what makes you tube great. Giving different levels of lessons for everyone to see your teaching style. It helps in making a decision to pay for further lessons. Good job slowing it down, good job illustrating.
Robert conklin
May 28, 2015Good intro lesson for e blues Thanks
Rick Riner
May 28, 2015Thanks for the tip on hand placement etc… I am one of the ones who has trouble stretching way out there, once I laid my guitar down like you show, it became clear what I had to do! Thanks! Keep up the great info!!
Richard hatty
May 28, 2015Reminds me of an instrumental I learned in my days as a lead guitarist exactly same noes in the key of e. Can’t remember if it was a Duane eddy Bert weedon or shadows record. These riffs always sound good and you can have real fun playing the blues. Thanks griff for making it interesting for all of us
Bill Valliere
May 28, 2015Thanks Griff. The technique you teach for making the long stretch between the 2nd and 6th or 7th fret can be a stumbling block, especially for guitar players (often blues and rock players) who like to catch the 6th string with their thumb. For a classically trained guitar player (which I am not), the thumb is almost always behind the neck to be able to make long stretches like you mention. It is great to have both techniques in ones toolbox. Thanks again.
May 28, 2015I’ve been playing electric guitar for many, many years but got an accoustic for the holidays. It feels like a different animal because I’ve vowed not to play electric until around July. I rarely run into anyone with smaller hands than mine. Thanks for the insights….Its good to know that I won’t have to playing contorted for the rest of my career.
Pete from philly
May 28, 2015Now we’re cooking. I play this with my buddy every guitar night.
I can’t wait to see where you’re going with it. I’m stuck on a few
versions and was hopeing you could expand on other options.
As simple as it is, you could do so much with it. Thanks as allways
for your time and efforts. Guitar night is gonna kick up a notch!
cooldude/ Steve Corcoran
February 4, 2017have that all mastered and have learned a lot………some from vids, new music and watching up close and in person Nobby Reed from the state of Vt and the Nobby Reed Project ( ) playing his blues from his own original music!!! worth your while to check out for sure……….but Griff….I do play by ear and by watching this guy play his guitar…….I do learn a little bit…..every time!! I still learn from your lessons Griff…Im almost 63 have 5 electrics and two a/e guitars and numerous pedals…….no recording gear for todays needs, Tascam portastudio…..antique but kept in new condition…..something I can get rid of!
John Whitesell
May 29, 2015Hey Griff, I have been playing the same stuff (or variations of the same stuff) on acoustic guitars for over five decades & this one lesson is bound to give me some credibility around the campfire in Muskoka (due North of Toronto) this summer! Thanks for your impressive guitar work and world class teaching skills. Dr. John
Dawn Hattley
May 29, 2015Thank You Grif, this lesson has helped me even more than usual. The hand stopping technique was something I hadn’t really picked up on before. The more I practice, I feel more confident to keep my strumming together and take greater notice of the Tab. My Chord changes are gradually beginning to become more fluent and less like digit gymnastics as well!
May 31, 2015Thanks, great stuff as always. I thought of you and this lesson when I was teaching this exact thing to a guy I met in a music store yesterday.
Jeff Darling
May 31, 2015Fantastic. You can play around that stuff for years and not quite nail it till someone points out those little thingds thaa pull it together and put the nail in. You do have the hammer for that. Thank you.
June 3, 2015Good stuff mate keep it comin ya just gotta love it cheers mate thanks
November 29, 2015It sure is fun to play the blues when you learn how to get that pinky to where you want it. thanks for the great lesson.
Susie Deane
February 2, 2016Terrific teaching tool, putting the guitar down upside down. I’m stealing it. You are terrific.
February 2, 2016I need to no more about Blues can you do that for me?
February 2, 2016Thanks for the tip it even goes good with country music it adds set twin to the country music and it sounds pretty awesome thank you very much
February 2, 2016Nicely done and just in time I just bought a acoustic fender resonator so this was a nice warm up. Ready for more
February 2, 2016I have been a big fan of Mississippi John Hurt for decades. This is the blues as it started, before it got to Chicago
February 2, 2016Am trying, when I (rarely) get the odd five minutes downtime, to recapture my long lost teenage youth and “relearn” the guitar – this time on acoustic – as opposed to my old Watkins Rapier back in the early sixties. Your on-line tips/lessons really motivate – and an encouragement to improvise – which, for me, is what it is really all about. When I get out from under with my business commitments I will, for sure, invest in your course. Now, I am teaching my fingers how to do yoga & Tai Chi – particularly that damned pinkie! Any chance of a little less “electric-centric” tips and a little more focus below the 10th fret?
February 2, 2016Although there is some question as to whether or not it really is SRV, there is a YouTube clip out there entitled SRV Lost Acoustic Blues Session. I’d really like to get Griff’s take on playing that.
February 2, 2016Great building blocks I the pursuit of blues music!!
I take a look n listen every time I receive an email!! The Way you break things down is very informative probably best teacher on the Internet by far thanks Griff i’ve bought a couple of your DVDs and they’re very very helpful and you can listen to them over and over again .
February 2, 2016It was a very nicely explained how to play on acoustic guitar. So far I had a dilemma ,which has been partially removed . Thanks Griff. Since I am at acoustic guitar stage ,this may help me .
February 2, 2016Nice licks griff the frist thing I learned to play an a must for anyone when I think blues that riff always stands out. its took a lot of rockers far I think you would agree yes.
February 2, 2016Old “Arthur” (Arthur-itis) won’t let me stretch on the B7 chord. I didn’t see very well how to play that chord when you have a physical disability.
February 2, 2016Thanks Again… I’m an 81 year old Harmonica player who loves watching your Guitar videos. I use what I learn from your excellent teaching when playing in Jams.. mostly Blues Jams.. Yep.. I go to the Bars” and play about 3 or 4 nights a week.. I con’t play guitar except a little chords, but I sure learn a lot of ‘harp’ playing from your videos.. Thanks A bunch.. .Virg… .
Gary Hylton
February 2, 2016Griff,
You said it, “This one is definitely a must have…”
I first heard it from a group of black/back porch musicians in the Summer of ’58 which by the way was 58 years ago! I was 13 at the time and it changed my life forever. Fond good memories of those men and I can never thank them enough for taking a little white boy under wing and showing him the ropes!!! For about the first month all I got to do was play the spoons. They were teaching me the importance of timing and rhythm. Sounds all too familiar doesn’t it Griif.
And as always, I thank you for everything you do to help those of us who play guitar play a little better!
Old School & Still Rockin’
February 3, 2016Bought your Beginning blues program and was actually doing, or trying to do that stretch with the pinkie this evening,ha quite appropriate. Thanks
Arthur Seavey
February 3, 2016Thanks for going wooden, Griff. I’ve guitarwise grown up with a fondness for the Rev Gary Davis, have mostly played finger-style and have been working on including riffs and runs within a finger style. I’ve enjoyed your website in helping me grow musically. thanks for the connection to different styles.
February 3, 2016Beautiful….if only I didn’t smash my ring finger in 07. It’s good therapy though.
Michael Chappell
February 3, 2016Hey Griff,
Great lesson, I have seen this before and you also showed us how to do the B7th Stretch I think. Until now I have preferred to do a Blues in A D & E to avoid the Blues in E due to the B 7th Stretch, there was no way around it until today. I did what you said I turned my Strat upside down and then leaned into the guitar and my small hands were able to handle the stretch. But it needs a lot of practice to hold the pinky. But I will do that. I did a similar exercise for the Bar Chords which I can now do with the greatest of ease.
I think you do this lesson in 52 Rhythm Fils & Variations Course which I have. Also I think it is in BGUv2 Course which I have.
Michael Chappell
August 5, 2016Hi Griff,
Here I am again seeing this fantastic lesson in Aug 2016, and I must say I have advanced considerably on the B7th Stretch using your method by turning the Guitar upside down.
This will undoubtedly give all the beginners out there great hope that even the most difficult chords like the B7th can be overcome with your teaching methods and practice.
Great refresher..
Michael -Sydney-Australia -Aug 2016.
Michael Chappell
February 3, 2017Hi Griff,
This is always a great refresher seeing it again now in Feb 2017.
I now can master the B7 and the stretches playing in Bb Key just as Johnny B Goode although still working on that song need more practice.
For beginners this is a great method.
Michael-Sydney-Australia 3 Feb 2017.
Tony B.
February 3, 2016Haven’t played in long time. Can you recommend good not too pricey acoustic starter guitar for guy wanting to learn some blues licks? Thanks for inspiring me to start over!
Bob E
December 23, 2020I’ve got an Alvarez that I bought at River music in Washington Mo that I love cost around$200 bucks
February 3, 2016heard about love givin site to the blind . SRV inspired yes , Tony I the guitarist for black sabbath had tips lost on his fingers . Gerry G had a problem too! wouldnt know it by the way . I learned this about 15 years ago .
February 3, 2016tech speaking but use other knee and stool switch too forget the streach with the lower note dont use it expecially if you got a bass covering it later
February 3, 2016Thanks Griff,
Just got an electric guitar after playing acoustic for only two years. This is very helpful and of course allot of fun. Still enjoying my natural sounding buddy.
February 3, 2016Hi Griff…thanks for showing how to get that stretch. It worked:)
Luther Redd
February 3, 2016Hey Griff , great stuff , I have not play this one for some time. thank you.
February 3, 2016Good tip on the stretch Griff , I can only reach the 6th fret I have short fingers, I could only reach the 5th fret before the lesson. Thanks for all the lessons. Cheers!
February 4, 2016Well done Mr. Hamlin, And for all the young Blues players, Jimmy Reed was the first I ever heard playing this jam.
February 4, 2016great lesson nice little blue’s number
February 4, 2016Thank u for this lesson. I have actually been playing this groove for years, just a bit different variation. This was one of the first grooves I learned, and there are so many alternate riffs you can develop from this groove.
February 5, 2016Interesting. Difficult stretch, but will be OK with practice. Thanks.
February 5, 2016Thanks for this wonderful lesson and God bless for all you have done for us.
February 5, 2016For those of us with bulged discs in the lumbar part of the back, hunching over is a painful proposition. I had to change my posture 30 years ago when I injured my back. You have to sit up straight and have back support when playing or you just don’t want to play because you know you’ll be living with substantial pain for days thereafter. That leads to less playing time, less fun playing and a decrease in your playing skills, of course. I’d also recommend always using a strap so that you can keep the head of the guitar at an angle above the body height without the guitar slipping around and unconsciously bending over to compensate for the guitar not staying where you need it to be. Bend at the neck, not the lower back, to see the strings if you must. These tips are also good for people with uninjured backs to prevent injuries and the dreaded back muscle spasms that will certainly occur. Standing is, of course, another option, but most of us sit unless doing a gig or only have limited practice space.
Gene Cordoni
February 8, 2016Hello Griff, this a great beginners video of many I am sure and I do believe this an awesome one for anyone breaking into the world of guitar. Some of the commenters I notice are hungry for more, and that is why they should move on with your more advanced lessons and course. I have been receiving your emails now for a few years and have made a one time purchase and I really love your teaching skills and methods you use. Keep up the fantastic work and thanks for some of free videos and instruction that you toss out there from time. From Gene in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada.
February 14, 2016Exc practical suggestion
John Harrison
February 25, 2016Great stuff as always. If I had more tim eto practice.
Someday….thx. Never thought I could stretch that far……
March 2, 2016the lesson is good and i like it thanks
May 21, 2016Thank-you for letting me learn and ty for posting your great teaching techniques and all i personally ‘thank you “..APPRECIATE IT A LOT .BEEN PLAYING SINCE 1959 ! hope to WATCH ALL OF YOUR TAPES!.RASTA rikki.’
Margaret J Clark
May 21, 2016Thanks again, Griff. Great lesson!! I assume the acoustic blues book is not the same as the beginning blues book, which I LOVE, BTW!!!
Grace leander
May 23, 2016Hallo Groet.
Nu name is Grace.
Thank you for this great guitar lessons.
I am from the Nederlands and my Englich is nog very good
But am trying to follow it in Englich.
Thanks again.
Walter L. Brewer
May 27, 2016WOW ! ( Gary Moore’s) Idea’s flowing already. WLB…Thanks.
August 4, 2016I am very happy for this video . You have made me learn it so easily . Also the stretch problem seem to be solved with practice by your method . You are an awesome teacher of Acoustic , as far as I am concerned . I have been following all your videos . Look forward to more . Thanks a lot Griff .
August 4, 2016When I first learned this approach to the blues which is the 12 bar blues My guitar playing really took off. I became really inspired . Gave Me alot of juice you could say. This has alot of apps, . I did not learn it here a friend showed it to Me about 20 years ago. This willl not allow You to master the guitar ,but, opens a door to a great start, after learning this You will see how to apply to other songs by simply using another key , Try georgia satilites song keep your hands to yourself, Its where I went with this approach , Johnnie B Good also listen to some very old rolling stones music videos the very begining stuff. there was once five members of the stones Gene Pitney I had the pleasure of meeting Him when I was very young He was a family friend . I thought He was very cool. Maybe I draw from that experience watched Him solo on acoustic He actually asked what does this sound like to You, like it . R.i.P. Rockville Rocket, from the town with no pity. Does anyone even read this stuff anywayz. Orbit around check out diffrent instructors lots of them almost endless numbers . BYE BYE C YA ROUND MAYBE !
February 3, 2017love it just got that same guitar so it made it easy to follow thank you…
February 3, 2017
Here u go Griff
Learn something and enjoy…it;s free
Al Musitano
February 3, 2017While I can certainly appreciate getting new students to push for that stretch, I think the lesson would be easier in A. That way you can do the A, D, and E all without that stretch. Also, for those interested in experimenting with beginning riffs, can perform them in the F#m pentatonic first position.
Great stuff, as always, Griff.
February 3, 2017I found that turning the acoustic guitar face down does work for learning stretch playing Thanks Griff
February 3, 2017Nice little blues tune!! One of the first things I learned!!
February 3, 2017Griff you give us so much!! Every little riff adds to our playing!! I try n pick up some courses her and there’
February 4, 2017Does a broken Scaphoid bone count as a valid reason not to be able to play this? Because I can assure you that any chord that requires I hold my thumb in the position shown causes excruciating pain, and definately removes all pleasure from playing.
Mr Griffin
February 4, 2017I enjoyed this video and it will help and encourage many thousands of students around the world.
This is great stuff.
Thanks Griff.
David K
February 4, 2017Griff. Thank you. You reminded me of something I forgot and answered a couple of questions I had about where it goes after the initial strumming. I don’t practice enough. And play mostly what well what I play. Just fitting chords and rhythm together. Anyway. Thank you.
James D
February 5, 2017Griff. This blues in E has been a mainstay of my blues since I first started playing guitar more than 40 years ago. So, you would think there was absolutely nothing I could have gotten from this video. But again, why you are the most profound blues guitar instructor I have ever seen, and why I always watch your feeds and have purchased several of your DVDs is because of your ability to teach the basics with such professionalism. The zoom in on your fingers, the split screen, the explanations about how to really make your fingers do what they need to do. I love it. You always make my guitar playing better. I would not have believed that watching this simple blues in E video after 40 years could possibly have helped me in any way. But it did. I would love to see an expansion on this and how you to slow down the basic rhythm in blues with careful timing work in the blues lead riffs and back and forth to the rhythm so that one acoustic guitar sounds like the whole band.
Fred Heath
February 15, 2017Your video is pretty cool! Good lesson!!
Mr Griffin
February 17, 2017Thanks Griff for your expertise,i love it.
Paul Wilson white (UK)
May 17, 2018Hi Griff,
Great lesson as normal.
Seen a couple of negative comments like to easy and another comment blues is easy to play,
First of this rythum is simple but let’s see this guy keep time with the train chug and play the harmony and the melody with the other 3 fingers and keep it together.
Also I’ve met lots of guys who say I’ve played blues for 10 years and theres the ones I’ve been playing for 54 years ect well why are you on a learning blues course,I’ve being playing now for close to 3 years I’ve had lessons of Griff for the start and I practice for 6 hours a day everyday and I’ve wiped the floor with guys like you because blues is easy to play bad but it is super hard to play blues all you guys do a video and put it on the forum lets see how easy the blues is to play,
I’ve also met a couple of famous guitar players and had a jam with them and when you think your clever with a few flash fills a little solo.
they can pull things out the bag and leave you for dust .right there is a lesson there is always a new trick or way to play a chord to learn
May 20, 2018Hi Griff,been playing off an on for a long time,I am disabled,an u have helped give me a piece of mind,u have been able to show a teaching skill that a lot of(teachers)are missing,from the 1st lesson,I hope as well the rest,Got a new axe PRS, an been on a learning mission since.
Thanks so muck,keep up the Great thing u r doing,an this one I knew but it was a different variation,easy but fun,Again thanks an God Bless!!!!
Jeff Brusatori
December 8, 2018Thanks Griffin,
Awesome lesson can’t wait to try this. Just a beginner but looking forward to mastering this. Thanks. .
December 14, 2018Please send the free video. Iam trying and want to learn everything I can. thanksa million.
January 17, 2019Great Lesson, good to see some Acoustic lesson keep them coming, thanks.
michael neas
February 5, 2019I like acoustic lessons …easy just pick up a guitar and play…or try to.
Catherine Dejardin
February 20, 2019Vêtu GOOD.
I WANT TO learn more. HOW I do ?
Rich Cibelli
February 20, 2019Hey Griff, great lesson. E blues is one of my favorite to play. So many great standards are played using this key. Great looking Taylor as well/ Keep up the good work.
April 19, 2019Thanks Griff. Great lesson. I’m currently working on your beginner blues course . Having a lot of fun.
May 18, 2019Griff great job!
Stephen Brooks
April 13, 2020Sometimes I just can’t keep up I feel like I’m falling further by I’m new at guitar and blues sometimes I want to quit but that’s not going to happen because you’re more advanced than me or you’re faster anyway but I’m going to start this new acoustic lesson today all I have are acoustic guitars with electric pickups I started late in the game I’m 54 and I wish I was 15 but I’m going to start where I am and and I will get good. I’m going to have to buy the CDs because right now I can’t afford the $40 a month but I’m going to have to be like over your your commercial or whatever you called it in what’s up a lot of information that’s what it is thank you for that it was just what I needed
April 24, 2020Hi Griff, as always, Great!
Dadang Djajadiredja
August 5, 2020Very good lesson, it seems easy enough for the beginner like me.
Jim Fraser
December 6, 2020The stretch is not between the index finger and the pinkie. It’s between the ring finger and the pinkie.
Thomas Guitarman
March 19, 2021THAT was a very good and creative way to teach the stretch thats needed to do this good job
June 20, 2021Yep…
The technique for playing the B in the progression, leaning in to keep my left hand in position to make the stretch with the pinky . And the thumb in the middle/center of the neck. A great reminder.
July 3, 2021you have always been top shelf and still are with me
April 5, 2022Do you have a book with all this acoustic
Rythm blues
August 19, 2022That was great. Thanks so much !
February 24, 2023Great lesson, thank you. I’m trying to get back the skill I have lost by not practicing. The tip of my left fourth (little) finger was cut off by accident and I stopped playing. That was 10 years ago, and I still have guitars and want to play again. I’m 87 years old, so this is a big challenge to me.