Acoustic Delta Blues Slide Guitar Lesson - "Up And Gone Blues"

Here is the slow speed play along:

And here is the full speed play along:


Leave A Comment And Tell Me What You Think…


  • David Vernon

    Reply Reply June 2, 2015

    Hey Griff, wonderful stuff! One issue though. The links all appear to be un-loadable on my tablet (unlike most of your wmv files). The extension on each does say .wmv, but the files are not recognized as wmv by my player. Again, this is NOT normal for your download area, working with my tablet.

    Anyway thanks again for doing your thing in the lessons. I’m not complaining, just giving you a heads-up on the situation.

  • Steven Brading

    Reply Reply June 2, 2015

    Hey griff, as always a wonderful lesson. I have to agree with David on the uploads. I was able to download the tab though. Keep up the great work!

  • joe amado

    Reply Reply June 2, 2015

    for an 84 yr ol’ u make it easy….

    • jim

      Reply Reply February 11, 2016

      Griff’s not really 84, is he?

    • Gerald Irish

      Reply Reply February 15, 2016

      I thought I was the oldest at 71, have been playing hard for little over three years.

  • Pete

    Reply Reply June 3, 2015

    Hi Griff – Great Acoustic Blues – How can I get hold of the dvds here in Australia – Perth Western Australia – Regards Peter

    • Janet Brooks

      Reply Reply February 11, 2016

      Just join Blues Guitar Unlimited and order the disks from Griff. They are good value.
      Cheers Janet

  • ron

    Reply Reply June 3, 2015

    Similar problem here-can’t play the vids. (not trying to download, just play) I don’t usually have a problemeither but the same thing happened yseterday with the same blog post.

    Thanks for all the great lessons!

  • John

    Reply Reply June 3, 2015

    Hi Griff this is the first time I have spoken to you only like the other folks i have a problem downloading the links. Still I am ploughing my way throughthrough your blues giutar course and hope you have something on slide in that.thanks for the tab and the brilliant stuff you send. Keep it coming
    Regards John White

  • brian dunn

    Reply Reply June 3, 2015

    bice touch GriffLord of the strings ;maybe ican move mu left enogh to try this lov the slide

  • Douglas

    Reply Reply June 3, 2015

    Great and wonderful music to listen to and play. I know my time will come when I will be really good at this. thanks and keep it coming.

  • David M. Howard

    Reply Reply June 4, 2015

    Hi Guys;

    I thank you You and Your team for all of your assistance and educational music concepts that I’ve had to dig-out; interpret and bloody translate from the older
    and and cryptic forms of music that I had to translate from the older …” Mel B_y”; and other next too impossible languages for learning guitar for us ‘Green Horn’s.

    Thank You all, Hopefully; I’ll learn and Experience More with you’all; … God Bless

  • Joe

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    As always I am grateful for your insight and advice. One thing I’m curious about . . . having gotten into this mid-stream, I wonder if you ever include the lyrics to the songs you present. Given the fact that you supply us with the music, don’t you think it would be cool if the lyrics were included. Then you would have armed us with everything needed (essentially) to do the song for an “audience” (even if only an audience of 1 or 2).
    A final question . . . how will I know if my questions or comments are addressed? Must I return to this location to check?

  • Samantha

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    This is great stuff…I ordered the acoustic blues and slide. Can’t wait to get started:)
    I decided to order the dvd’s because it takes me a little longer to get some of the techniques down and now I can go at my pace.
    Thank you and God Bless!

  • johnny sutton

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    hey guys, just press the lower headings in blue to get vids where it says mp4 great stuff nice slide

  • Paul Warner

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    This is by no means a criticism, just a difference in taste, but I have never enjoyed a slide on guitar. I don’t like it’s sound, and I never felt it was something I would do to advance my skill on guitar. There are just too many other things to work on in improving my guitar playing that even in doodling with it would be a waste of time for me. I know there are lots of people who really like it, but it just has never had an appeal to me. I have seen people in bands using it on a number of occasions but the sound never appealed to me. Acoustic blues is great sounding stuff without the slide in my opinion. A great lesson though for those who really like it.

  • Bharat

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    Ilove the way you have made this piece very easy . I will practice with this. Hope to do good. One thing is causing some difficulty. In the video your finger on strings is not clear. May be it may havebe enlarged and shown in two portions. Clarity will help. I love Blues,but I am begginner with acoustic guitar. I may have take up your starting courxs first .,Ifeel..

  • Bharat

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    Another observation ,I noticeyou are wearing kind of band or device on your pinky finger. May i know if it is on purpose to help playing or only a bandage?

  • Papathor

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    Great lesson, blues for the lone home guitar player that when replicated to a reasonable standard gives you the pleasure of sounding like you know what your doing for a change.
    Hey re the downloading, I have a macbook and the tab downloaded straight in as normal however with the mp4 link it took me straight to the video, if you do a right trackpad click (or touch depending on your settings) a small window appears giving you the option to save to your computer.

  • Papathor

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    My earlier comment was meant for the “Down to the Station lesson” oops

  • Janet Brooks

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016

    Had no problem downloading and playing with GOM Player. Great little tune – wish I could play it like that – I am slowly getting there. Cheers Janet

  • crawford

    Reply Reply February 12, 2016

    I before i bought your dvds and the lesson that you share on e_mail i was embarrass to pick up the guitar because i did not want to look bad but thank to great teaching iam ok now not like other teacher you go into ex plain in detail on how to play the guitar other teacher say buy this dvd and will be playing a song right away but do not brake the song in detail and for that reason thank you mr hamlin

  • Ove Christensen

    Reply Reply February 12, 2016

    Thank you Griff,
    I think that you are extremely generous in handing out your goodies. Thank you, ant thank you also for this very piece of music.
    Yours Ove C.

  • Mike

    Reply Reply February 12, 2016

    Another great lesson Griff. I would like to see a little more about technique in-regards to using a slide, selecting a slide, etc.. I get a lot of clunks and unwanted rattling when placing and lifting the slide.

  • crawford

    Reply Reply February 12, 2016

    yes i did get the slid video thank you again for all your hard work.

  • Gary

    Reply Reply February 13, 2016

    Wow! Great job! Thanks for the Delta Blues licks. That taking me back home.

  • George

    Reply Reply February 13, 2016


    Can’t play the videos.

  • Douglas

    Reply Reply February 13, 2016

    Yes I did get the slide video. Hope to get started on it soon.

  • priscah

    Reply Reply February 13, 2016

    Griff,am unable to download,so cann’t play the video

  • Michael Chappell

    Reply Reply February 22, 2016

    Hey Griff,
    Great lesson, I am a long way from this Slide style so I have downloaded the complete lessons successfully for a later stage in my progress of learning form all the Courses I have purchased from you..


  • tony

    Reply Reply August 9, 2016

    I like Your guitar I found an old one when I was a kid it had been put out with the garbage. It was to far gone to be rescued . Should have kept anyway but being a kid well I did the old thing in playing el ka bong with it . Destroyed it ! Nice note playing and I noticed a series of notes I have heard before . I heard Tim Pierce use the same pattern ,but , in a diffrent key . He is a great session guitarist one of the very best in the world. Anyways nice lesson down loaded the first one and thats all I need . Still holding on to many lessons and some day even though I got so much time on My hands . I may catch up with all of them. dough ray me fa so la tea ever concider teaching guitar that way ? c ya ; )

  • Clive Farthing

    Reply Reply August 23, 2016

    Hi Griff I got it and l am glad I did another great piece of music & teaching thanks see. You soon even though you can’t see me Clive.

  • Pete Schmidt

    Reply Reply February 15, 2017

    Nice breakdown of slide guitar work. What is that guitar? who makes it?

  • Bill

    Reply Reply May 21, 2021

    Re: “UN-LOADABLE” videos.
    All WMV videos successfully downloaded and will play on Win10 laptop without requiring any 3rd party players for videos. Win10 is somewhat different from prior versions of MS windows with respect to native video formats. Those having difficulty, may consider installing a 3rd party player. NO SUGGESTIONS. I don’t endorse any I have not personally utilized. Cheers!.

  • Sergey Victor Parakhin

    Reply Reply September 15, 2021

    Good lesson! Thanks!

  • Louis Ogden

    Reply Reply August 18, 2022

    Happy birthday, Laura!

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